Cyril Rocero – MaxPro Real Estate Top Agent – Winnipeg Realtor

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85 out of 5 stars based on 300+ customer reviews

Area of Practice


Home Buying / First-Time Buying

Negotiate the best price when you plan to buy a home in Winnipeg by choosing to work with an honest and trusted professional real estate agent. Yes, I can help you!


Selling Your Home Or Property

Sell your home quickly and get the top value for your property by listing it with a top-performing professional real estate agent in Winnipeg. Yes, I can help you!


Rent-To-Own Home Ownership

Have issues with saving for a down payment and getting a mortgage approval? Rent-to-own home ownership might be the option for you. Yes, I can help you!


Purchase Plus Improvements

Having a hard time finding the right home just because there are always a few issues that need to be fixed on the homes you missed buying. Yes, I can help you!


Custom-Build Your Home

You are very particular with the design and layout of your home and you wanted a custom-built home specially made to your preference. Yes, I can help you!


Multi-Family Rental Investments

Have you ever desired to be a real estate investor and considered investing in duplexes, triplexes, and multi-family homes? Yes, I can help you!

Home Mortgage Application

It is best to get a home mortgage pre-approval before going on shopping for a home to buy. Click on the banner below to apply for the best rates.